Thursday, April 25, 2013

March happenings

Even though March/early April seemed to go quickly, it didn't feel like we were that busy with outside-the-house activities.  It was confirmed when I looked through the pictures and realized that most of them were taken at home. The weather has also been really crappy, so that has probably contributed.  It has been nice though, just staying home and enjoying my three littles.  I love to just sit back and listen to them talk to each other.  During car trips it always makes me chuckle as I listen to Alex explain the world to Mary from the perspective of a 3 year old :)

Sister photo shoot with matching outfits.  Look at Lucy's squishy belly :)  Even though she is small, she is pretty chubby.  She is around 5% for length, but 30% for weight.

Alex was having enough by the end, and wanted to get in the picture too.

We celebrated the feast day of St. Joseph by make a simple St. Joseph altar craft.  Someday I would like to make a real altar like the one here.

Like I said, the weather has not been too spring-like around here lately.  There have been several warm days sprinkled in, but we have also been getting lots of snow dumped on us (there were seven snowstorms between March 1st and April 23rd!).  Kind of depressing, but hey, the kids think its great and love to get bundled up to go play in it.

Snow angels :)

Alex got on top of the mound of snow and said he was the Statue of Liberty.  I guess the lesson we did on America a few weeks ago sunk in :)

Here are a few videos from the last few months.  The first one is of the kids dancing in the kitchen, and the second is my future astronaut/astronomer reciting the words from his favorite space book :)  I have a super cute one of Lucy and Alex, but I still have to load it onto the computer.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Easter 2013

He is Risen! Alleluia!  We had a great time celebrating the joy of the Resurrection and teaching the children why it is the most important day of the year.  We ended up dying eggs last minute the day before.  I had planned to do this during the Easter season at some point, but thought it would be fun to do while daddy was home.  The kids had fun helping and eating colored eggs the rest of the week.  

We had cinnamon rolls, sausage and eggs for breakfast and then went to Mass.  The kids looked at their baskets and went on an egg hunt in the backyard when we got home.  I didn't get an pictures of the egg hunt in our backyard, but did get a few during the egg hunt at my parents house that afternoon (see below).  

Lounging on the couch with my nursling and reading Alex's new space book to him :)

Daddy reading the same book to him a little later.  This kid can't get enough of space-related books.

This is a classic Mary face, one she make every time we have to correct her.  Not sure what we were telling her this time, maybe to share with Issac?

Happy Easter!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

St. Patrick's Day 2013

We had a fun time celebrating St. Patrick's Day.  Earlier in the week, we read some stories about him, and learned that a shamrock in kind of like the Trinity, the three leaves represent three Persons in one God. That morning before Mass, the kids were excited to make green pancakes with Lucky Charms marshmallows on top :)

That afternoon we headed to my parents house for our traditional dinner of corned beef and cabbage.  It was a nice treat, as I don't make corned beef any other time of year.

I got some good shots of Lucy smiling and laughing while my mom was holding her.

My cutie :)

We also celebrated Joel's birthday with a yummy rainbow sprinkles cake.