Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Summer Fun

 We had a great summer visiting family and trying to find some fun activities that didn't involve spending lots of time in the dreadful Houston heat.    Here are some pics:

Playing with bubbles in grandma and grandpas backyard. 

 He started walking 2 weeks after his 1st birthday!

Here’s a pic of little Alex “talking” on the phone. He’s gotten more accurate with the placement of the phone, but it used to end up halfway behind his head!  He loves to carry on conversations in his own language for several minutes at a time.

We went to watch some fireworks at Waterway Square for the 4th,  but they didn’t start until almost 9:45.  At that point we were all tired and ended up walking back to the car before they even started.  We did catch some on the top level of the parking garage though.  Many people were camped out there, and probably had a better view than the crowds along the waterway!

 We got a great picture of him trying his first popsicle (lime).  His face is hilarious, and he usually loves sour things so it must have been the coldness that he wasn't used to. 

After a few more tries, he enjoyed sucking on it for a bit. 

Here is a video of our trip to the beach in Galveston:

We got a wonderful surprise this summer when I found out I was pregnant!!  It was kind of a shock (a good one) as I hadn’t even gotten my period back after breastfeeding little Alex, but we are very excited to welcome Baby Lynch #2 in early March!  I am almost 16 weeks now, and was blessed with hardly any morning sickness.  Can’t wait to start feeling those little baby kicks soon!