Monday, March 14, 2016

The Winter Months

The kids are busy playing outside and enjoying the beautiful weather, so I finally have time to get a post up.  I am enjoying this Lenten season, trying to slow down, pray more, focus on my blessings, and and enjoy the sweet expressions of faith that I witness in my children.  I made a prayer corner not too long ago, and hope to get a kneeler for it someday!

Our Lenten sacrifice bean jar.

They love when I write their prayers on the dry erase board.

I made Alex a Mass kit awhile ago, and he loves to get it out and "do Mass".  I would love to make him some vestments.  If only I knew how to sew!

I participating in an Easter saint doll swap with a FB group.  Kinda blurry, but I painted Thomas the Apostle.

My sweet Juju is 6 months old already.  Unfortunately she has eczema like Mary, and had it worse on her scalp.  This pic is from when it was really bad, a couple of months ago.  We have it under control now, and her scalp is completely clear.  She was miserable for awhile though. :(

She is a super happy baby, despite the itchy skin, and can sit up with the assitance of a boppy pillow.  And oh is she tiny!  At 6 months, she is barely 13 lbs, and is in the zero percentile for height.  We aren't concerned yet, as I was a small baby, but may see an endocrinologist around her 1st birthday to rule out any problems if she is still lagging behind.

Mary's first ballet class :)

Fire station field trip.

Inside the Orchestra.  This was really neat.  The orchestra sat around us, so we could see all the instruments up close!

Recent indoor and outdoor creations...

At 3 years old, Lucy's hair is finally long enough for a tiny ponytail, haha!

Mary turned 5 last month!  She is such a sweet girl, and has been a huge help with Juliana.  She is totally obsessed with owls, and is loving learning to read.

We had a great Valentines Day, with Mass, muffins, and our annual fondue dinner :)

We are entering a busy time of year - Easter, birthdays, finishing up school, and planning for next year, spring cleaning, and house projects so we can hopefully put our house up for sale and move to Littleton this summer - but I hope to post more often.  Happy Spring!

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