Happy December! It was a whirlwind month, but lots of fun and joyful anticipation of the birth of our Savior.
Mary learned how to sew at her Daughters of Our Lady of Grace meetings, and recently completed a stuffed owl.
Enjoying one of several warm days in December!
St. Nicholas party at church
St. Nicholas Day- books and gold coins in the shoes!

We had to postpone Lucy's bday activity and party since some of us were sick on her actual birthday. She wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese. Lucy and Mary both hit the ticket jackpot on one of the games.
We spent one evening strolling through Hudson Gardens and enjoying the lights!
Our completed Jesse tree!
My parents watched the kids for a night, and made gingerbread houses with them.
Pumpkin and pecan oven pancakes/birthday cake for Jesus. So yummy!
Later that day we headed to my parents house for dinner and more presents.
New Years was a quiet, snowy day at home. We ordered burgers from Bad Daddy's, played a new dice game the kids got called Quixx, watched the movie Coco while eating S'mores, and threw poppers on the ground to celebrate the coming of 2019. We also picked saints and words for the year with a saint and word generator I found online.