Thursday, March 8, 2018

The Birth of Benedict

The new year is off to a great start with the birth of our baby #5!  He was born January 4th, and was my easiest birth!  I had a doctor appt. that afternoon and let them strip my membranes since it was 3 days until my due date, I had never been pregnant this long, and was only 1 cm dilated.  I did have some contractions the previous Sat night, but they went away as soon as I started walking around.  The alternative was to wait until a couple days after my due date to be induced, which I did not want.  Even though my weekly non stress tests and ultrasounds looked fine, I did not want to go too long past my due date with the 2 vessel cord issue. Luckily things started happening that evening!  Around dinner I started having contractions that weren't very regular, but were more painful than the ones I had had before.  I took a bath and when that didn't calm things down, I started to suspect that this was the real thing.  I started timing them when they were about 10 min apart.  I called my mom a little after 10 to have to her come over and watch the kids once I had several that were 5-6 min apart.  We quickly packed up and were on our way!

Settling in for what I thought might be a long night.  Imagine my surprise when they told me I was already 8 cm dilated!   I wasn't in much pain, and didn't think I was even close to that yet.  I had even worried in the car that it might not be true labor and I would be sent home.  Maybe it was all the red raspberry leaf tea I had been drinking.  Or maybe it was just that I had done this so many times before.  The contractions picked up quickly.  I was at 9 for a bit, but as soon as I shifted positions I hit 10 and felt ready to push!   He came out so fast, and I didn't even tear like I had done with all the others.  

Here he is!  I had been so certain the entire pregnancy that it was a girl because of my lack of morning sickness, the 2 vessel cord (more common in girls), and how small I was measuring near the end.  I was totally shocked when Alex said it was a boy.  So fun to have a boy again after 3 girls!

We had a great first night (or morning-he was born at 12:31 am).  He nursed and was wide awake for awhile, and then they did his measurements.  He's my smallest baby at 5.14 lbs, but cute as can be.

He had to have blood sugar checked every hour for the first 24 hours because he was so small.  Luckily that was all fine, and there were no jaundice problems with him like there had been with my others. 


Grammy meeting Benny for the first time!  My parents were so great and helpful while we were in the hospital.  The kids didn't get to come to the hospital to meet him because they all had a cold the whole time we were there. That made me sad, but we couldn't risk getting him or any others sick.

Getting ready to home!  I had a pretty good experience at Littleton Hospital.  All 5 of my babies have been born at different hospitals, and the nurses have all been great.  The nurses here were more respectful of my desire to skip the standard newborn procedures (no hep B shot, vitamin K shot, etc), and left me alone for the most part.  I missed my kids so much, and couldn't wait to bring their new brother home!

The kids made cards to welcome him home.  So sweet!

More sweet newborn pictures to come!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

December 2017

December was such a fun month.  So many activities, and beautiful weather.  Several days in the 50's and 60's.  Here's proof- the kids eating lunch outside in shorts!  

St. Nicholas visited our parish again this year, and gave all the kids little presents.  

New books and gold coins awaited them on the Dec. 6th!

Miss Muffie is so sweet.  When one of the girls has a birthday, she plays a special birthday song, and the birthday girls gets to twirl around with ribbons while everyone sings to her.  Then the other girls get to join her for the last half of the song.  Lucy looked so happy :)

Alex and Mary are doing a Catholic version of boy/girl scouts called FNE (Federation of North American Explorers).  I am helping out with the Otter girls (6-8 year olds).  There are only 2 of them, but we hope to get more girls to join next year.  Mary and Julianna exchanged gifts at our Christmas party, and Julianna made Mary a little stuffed owl pillow.  She was over the moon, so I had to get a picture. 

The girls had their little Nutcracker performance in mid-Dec.  It was so adorable, and girls had a great time.


They got to feed the nutcrackers cereal after the performance, lol. 

Science group tea party!

I had to document this, because none of my kids have ever fallen asleep like this.  I thought for sure she must be getting sick, but just overly tired I guess. 

38 weeks!  Getting so close!

And here is his/her sweet little face :)

Christmas is so much fun with this crew.  Love watching their anticipation and excitement.