1st batch of summer pics! We started with a trip to the Littleton Museum, and saw lots of little lambs.
This girl cracks me up. It is so fun to be her mommy!

Waiting around for Alex and Mary to finish swim lessons.
1st batch of raspberries! I didn't plant anything this year so was happy to have these. The garden is still so overgrown, and will take awhile to get under control. It appears that we have a cherry tree also, but the birds ate most of them. Will have to figure out a solution for next summer.
One of the best things about Highlands Ranch is the access to the four Recreation Centers in the community. This is the pool closest to us, and we spend a lot of time here!
Took the kids bowling for the 1st time!
Alex turned 8 at the end of June. Can't believe how old he is, but love watching him grow. Currently loves football, swimming, Legos and Minecraft.