I finally got pictures put on the computer, and am enjoying these! Hope you do too!
My little ones favorite things are babies and shoes. She wears them around the house all day. So funny!
A few weeks before Easter, we got together with a friend that goes to a Byzantine church. We helped them dye bright red eggs (for the blood of Christ) to hand out to their parishoners on Easter morning!
A peek inside...
We love discovering all the different flowers in our front yard. Every few weeks there is something new!

LEGO Americana Roadshow at one of the local malls. So, so neat, and a fun history lesson as well :)
Our Easter Resurrection cookie making!

Our first Pascal candle!
Alex's friend Nathan went to a rock climbing wall for his birthday. Thought he would be nervous, but he went all the way up!
We found out on my bday that we are expecting another little Lynch! So excited for another sweet baby to join our family.