Tuesday, January 17, 2017

December 2016

St. Nicholas Day....new books and chocolate coins!


We have been attending an FSSP parish since it is closer to our new home.  We love it, and are excited for the kids to experience the Latin Mass on a regular basis.  Alex will be starting classes for his First Confession and First Holy Communion, which will happen sometime in May.  Here they are getting a bag of treats from St. Nicholas after Mass.


Our Lady of Guadalupe feast day celebration with friends.  They watched the CCC Juan Diego video, and made paper castilian roses to add to their coloring pages

Alex has been playing with his Mass kit a lot lately.  He even made paper bulletins one day.  So cute!

The kids and I got a job as dog sitters.  Every day after lunch, we walk over to our neighbors house to let their dog out, and play with him for about 30 minutes.  It's perfect, since we will never have a dog of our own (due to Mary's allergies).  The neighbors are so sweet, and gave each of the kids a book for Christmas.

Christmas cookie making time!

Christmas Eve Mass at my parents church :)

The kids all got new bed sets for Christmas!  The girls have an owl room, and Alex's room is a combo of football/space/Star Wars :)

More Christmas pictures...

We finally had a new family pic done, as the one we had hanging up didn't include Juliana!  Love these people so much :)

Happy New Year!  Wishing you many blessings and wonderful memories!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

November 2016

After a fun night of trick-or-treating, we work up early for Mass, and then headed to a friend's All Saints party.

We hosted science group this month, and discovered what happens when you put Ivory soap in the microwave.  So cool.  We also made ice cream in baggies as we talked about states of matter.  It actually worked!

A few Thanksgiving pictures...

We explored the park by our house on an exceptionally warm afternoon.  The kids took their nature journals, and we all enjoyed the creek that runs by the playground.

Enjoying another beautiful day at the zoo!  These fall/winter months have been so mild.  I love it.

Lucy turned 4 at the end of the month.  We celebrated with a Hungary Caterpillar themed party, and enjoyed having extra family members attend (that were in town for Thanksgiving).  Love this silly girl :)

These were all the pictures I could muster on her real birthday, as half of us were down with a stomach virus.  Luckily, she never caught it!