Thursday, April 30, 2015

Coming in August...

A new little Lynch!  We are so, so excited for a new baby to join our family late this summer.  After the heartache of the miscarriage, we found out we were expecting again on Christmas Eve morning!  It was such a wonderful gift.  The first trimester was hard on me emotionally.  Since the miscarriage was so recent, I worried about the baby and whether my body could handle a pregnancy so soon after.  I think God was trying to tell me to trust Him more.  I begged Him to just let me feel pregnant so my mind would be at ease, but all I got was very minimal morning sickness. I know I should have considered this a blessing, especially with 3 little ones to take care of.  Most days I felt really great, and I wondered if everything was alright with the baby.  It was a relief when the 1st trimester was over, and  I am now 22 weeks!  The baby looked healthy at our ultrasound in mid-April, and we are praying the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly.  My due date is Sept. 2nd, but I expect the baby will come early like the others.  

Here is baby at 10 weeks:

And 20 weeks!

Monday, April 6, 2015

February and March snapshots

Some things I want to remember from the last few months...

To buy more building blocks!  Alex and Mary play with these almost every day, and I am sure they could do a lot more if we had another set.

Valentine's Day.  So glad it was a Saturday so I could spend it with hubby!  We had a relaxing day at home, went the the park for a bit, and had our traditional fondue dinner.  Yum!

The next day we was Mary's 4th birthday!  It was owl-themed, due to her current owl obsession.  The kids loved the pinata, even though we had to do it indoors because of the weather.  

Alex and Mary had swimming lessons in March.  They loved it, and we look forward to spending lots of time at our neighborhood pool this summer!

Celebrating a friend's birthday party at Lollipop Park.  The kids have been begging to go back, so I think this will be a new birthday destination :)


Two new Lucy milestones:  She is now potty trained and sleeps in a semi-toddler bed in the same room as the other two.  We had a bad cold spell late February, so I thought it would be a good time to start, since we stayed home a lot due to the cold.  It was super easy, and after a few days of chocolate chip rewards, she had it down!  I took one side off her crib, replaced it with a toddler rail, and moved her bed to Alex and Lucy's room so she could have easier access to the potty.  I am thrilled to have a diaper-free house for a few months.  Bedtime with three in a room has been rough, but we are getting there :)

The two big feast days we celebrated: St. Patrick and St. Joseph :)

And one more pic for a little Lucy quirk.  It is hard to tell, but she has 5 dresses on over her clothes.  She does this with our dress up clothes at home and with the dress up stuff in the nursery at co-op. It is pretty hilarious.