A new little Lynch! We are so, so excited for a new baby to join our family late this summer. After the heartache of the miscarriage, we found out we were expecting again on Christmas Eve morning! It was such a wonderful gift. The first trimester was hard on me emotionally. Since the miscarriage was so recent, I worried about the baby and whether my body could handle a pregnancy so soon after. I think God was trying to tell me to trust Him more. I begged Him to just let me feel pregnant so my mind would be at ease, but all I got was very minimal morning sickness. I know I should have considered this a blessing, especially with 3 little ones to take care of. Most days I felt really great, and I wondered if everything was alright with the baby. It was a relief when the 1st trimester was over, and I am now 22 weeks! The baby looked healthy at our ultrasound in mid-April, and we are praying the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly. My due date is Sept. 2nd, but I expect the baby will come early like the others.
Here is baby at 10 weeks:

And 20 weeks!