Life is busy, but so good. Just cleared off my camera so I have room for the Halloween/All Saints Day festivities! Here is what we have been up to the last month....
The weather has been pretty mild for October, so the kids have been able to play outside a lot, which is awesome. This pic is from Oct. 14th when we had a crazy hail/thunderstorm!
My baby turned 11 months old yesterday, and I am happy to report that she is finally sleeping on her own in the crib. After several nights of her waking up almost every hour to nurse, and me getting frequent headaches, I decided I couldn't take many more of these kind of nights. Alex and Mary sleep with a cd that plays rain sounds all night, so we decided to try that with Lucy. The first night she slept four hours at a time, and I only went in twice to feed her. I was shocked, as she had been sleeping next to me for so long, and I thought she would have a really hard time. The past few nights have been great as well and I only go in twice a night to nurse her. If she wakes up shortly after that, she fusses for a few minutes and goes back to sleep on her own. I am so, so happy to be sleeping in my own bed again and waking up rested.
A Pinterest success!
Some of Alex's recent artwork from school. He is loving the co-op and is learning so much. Mary is also picking up the memory work from listening to the cd in the car and loves to practice the poetry. It is neat when references to what he is learning pop up and he able to make connections and see things in different contexts. The kids were watching "Magic School Bus" on Netflix the other day and they were talking about chemical reactions. The science curriculum this year is Chemistry/Physics, and the kids had just done some experiments showing different kinds of chemical reactions for the science lesson that week. Alex got so excited, and started telling me over and over, "Mommy, they are talking about chemical reactions!" So fun :)
Making carmel apples at grammy and papa's house. Yummy!
Some backyard fall pictures with my beautiful babies :)
Happy Halloween! Hope to have our Halloween/All Saints Day pics up soon :)